2010 Census Data
China's total population reached 1,370,536,875 persons. Of which the population of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan accounted for 7,097,600, 552,300, and 23,162,123 respectively.
The total population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and the servicemen on the mainland of China increased by 73,899,804 persons, or 5.84 percent, over the past 10 years. The average annual growth rate was 0.57 percent.
The number of households reached 401,517,330, and its average size was 3.10 persons, or 0.34 person less compared to the 3.44 persons in the 2000 population census.
The sex ratio (women=100) declined to 105.20 from 106.74 a decade ago.
Persons within the age group of 0-14 accounted for 16.60 percent of the total population, those of 15-59, 70.14 percent, and those of 60 and above, 13.26 percent.
Urban and rural residents made up 49.68 percent and 50.32 percent of the total population, respectively.
A total of 261 million migrants lived in places other than the towns (townships or streets) of their household registration where they had left for more than six months.
(Source: National Bureau of Statistics)