Chinese can chose their way of movement by:
1. All kinds of trains, track 91,000km(It took me 36 hour boarding India's fast train from Chennai to Delhi-2200km while 23 hours boarding China's moderate train from Shenzhen-the city bordering Hong Kong to Beijing-2400km last year. But I did not get bored on both trains. I have always had pleasant memories after travelling by various Indian trains);
2. Bullet train-high speed track (300-450 km/hour):8358km;
3. Express way(separate 4 or 6 lanes,fenses, no cows, no bikes, no pedestrans, like the once between South Delhi Ring Road and IGI Airport only, not like the one between Delhi and Agra-Taj Mahal): 74,100km;
4. Airports: 175. It's a pity, we have to wait for another 4 or 5 years to sit in Chines Airbus or Boeing-C919 built by COMAC-Commertial Aircraft Corporation of China founded in 2008 in Shanghai. COMAC will be the C after A and B. A for Airbus and B for Boeing.