Who is printing the US dollars? Who decides the amount of dollars to be printed? Who needs to print extra x billions of dollars to fix its debts and boost exports? Who's economy is struggling at the bottom of the pot? Why has the price of gold kept on rising and rising? Everyone knows.
By accusing China manipulating currency, the U.S. designs to hide the truth and shed its responsiblity to the international community and drag the other countries to the bottom of the pot and next step on the target country's back to climb out of the pot. Who is the rogue country then?
Under this backdrop, all the major currencies in the world face the high possibility of appreciation,see Japan now. A few months later, India will possibly be the next. If you don't bow to the American will and serve its ultro-selfish ends, then you are accused of manipulating your currency and the insane U.S.Congress will hurl its whips toward you. The U.S. is never short of sticks. To be or not to be is its choice, not yours--the media, the columnists,the economists are all at its disposal. They helps turn the villain into the moral judge.
Now you can see who is the currency manipulator.